Friday, May 06, 2005

My Husband Likes Frilly Little Girl Clothes

He is going to kill me for this title if he reads my blog. Which he never does, so I think I’m safe. Well, he does if I grab his ear, staple his butt to the chair, and pull it up for him. But I only do that if there’s something REALLY good on it. And we all know how often that is. Unfortunately.

Anyway, we went to babies R us to change some things on our registry. Since I had gotten some advice on here and other places on what to and what not to register for, we decided to go and make changes. I’m glad we didn’t start out registering at Babies R us. That place is intimidating, and if Target and Toys R us had our head spinning I’m sure Babies R us would have sent us into a permanent shock. Permanent shock generally isn’t a good idea BEFORE the baby is born.

I started looking around. Bryan is NOT a shopper. He tries very hard to appease me. I pretty much know I have about three hip shifts (you know, weight on right leg, arm leaning on a clothes rack is the first hip shift. Then weight on left leg, hand under the chin is second shift. Then the third and final shift is back to the weight on right leg) before he starts loudly sighing and I must make my purchasing decisions and go quickly because he is about to explode.

I had to go through the baby clothes section before I left Babies R us. How could I not?? Especially since we are having a little girl. Those little girl clothes are so ADORABLE. I started walking through there, expecting him to lightly pull me back to the isle. But, he followed. So, I started looking at the frilly little girl dresses. And I said “This is so cute!” I looked out of the corner of my eye to see if he was on the first or second hip shift. I almost swallowed my gum when I realized he hadn’t even gotten to the first hip yet. So, I decided to push it.

I picked up a dress and said “Dear, isn’t this the cutest?” I waited patiently for the eye roll and the “Yes, now let’s go.” However, much to my surprise he said “Yes, that really is!” I looked up at him again. After all, when I was little once I went up to a woman at the grocery store thinking she was my mom and asked her to buy me some spray cheese. The woman made a noise and I looked up and ran. Hey, I was only about 5 and had never been so embarrassed. I thought perhaps I made the same mistake with some other man at Babies R Us. But I hadn’t! It was Bryan morphed into some unrecognizable little-girl’s-dad mode.

Next thing I new, HE picked up a little frilly dress and said “Look at this one.” If I had a medic alert button around my neck I think I would have pushed it at that point. My head got dizzy. My throat went dry. I was about to fall and not be able to get up. I was in such bliss. My husband was actually enjoying looking at little girl clothes with me. I didn’t know how to act! I started to worry he had broken out with a fever that made him delirious.

I picked up a few more things to look at, a cheerleader outfit from our favorite sports team (yea, I knew THAT would get him), an Easter dress. No hip shifts. No eye rolls, no “Hurry up”. More “Oh, yea, that’s cute too”.

The whole ordeal lasted about 10 minutes. I decided I better leave after that long because if he did morph back into his hip-shifting-eye-rolling self the moment would have been ruined forever. Yes, in 12 years of marriage I’ve learned how far to push.


Anonymous said...

When our daughter was 14,she finially made her First Holy Communion in the class of the 2nd graders.Since she had become friends with most of the little girls in the class,she felt like one of them.She wanted to wear a cute,poofy,short sleeve,above the knees communion dress and veil with the lace anklets and white mary jane shoes,so she found a cute,little girl style communion dress in her size with the matching veil and then she picked out the lace socks and found the white mary janes.Then,two weeks before the ceremony,she told me that she wants to wear the same white cloth diaper and rubberpants and white tee shirt like the little girls did.I was surprised by this,and she was serious! We got a package of the cloth diapers in the 24x27 inch size and the diaper pins.I sewed the diapers together to make one diaper out of them and got the white rubberpants from a website and her tee shirt at Target.the morning of the ceremony,i put the diaper,rubberpants and tee shirt on her,then her lace socks,shoes,dress and veil.She looked very cute and little girlish and loved being a "little girl" for her First Holy Communion!

Anonymous said...

Our daughter is 14 and made her First Communion 2 years ago at 12 and had to wear the poofy communion dress and veil with the under shirt,cloth diaper,rubberpants,tights and white shoes.This past Easter sunday,she wore a cute pink,above the knees easter dress with lace anklets and the white shoes.The husband wanted me to have her wear the rubberpants with out the diaper under them under her dress,so i put them on her.She felt cute and little girlish for the day and was "daddy's little girl" for the day!

Anonymous said...

To the firt poster above-Your daughter was dressed properly for her First Holy Communion at 14!At our parish,all of the girls making their FHC,whether they are little girls,tween or teen girls wear the cloth diaper and rubberpants and under shirt under their communion dresses.They make the girls feel more pure for their FHC.

Anonymous said...

Our daughter is 14 and still bedwetting from her puberty.She has been wearing cloth diapers and rubberpants to bed every night since she started the bedwetting past 12.She has rubberpants in pastel colors and babyprints which she likes wearing the most over her diapers.I put the diapers and rubberpants on her before bedtime and the rubberpants crinkle under her nightgown.She was the senior flowergirl in our cousins wedding last month with the other two flowergirls who were 8 and 9.All three of them wore identical,white,poofy,knee length,sleeveless dresses with veils,lace anklets and white shoes.I put several of her cloth diapers on her with a pair of her rubberpants with ruffles sewn across the back under her dress.The other two girls thought the diapers and ruffled rubberpants looked cute on her.She liked the feeling of being like a little flowergirl!