Friday, July 27, 2007

Wow, time flies!

My little girl turns two today!
It's quite amazing to me. Everyone told me when I was pregnant with her that she would grow up fast, to cherish every moment. I had no idea. I just HAD NO IDEA.
I had no idea about a lot of things. I didn't realize how my feelings would suddenly be so intense. That nothing else would really matter to me in life more than her. I just didn't "get it". Then she was born and it hit me light a bolt of lightning.
Oh, sure I knew I would love her. I loved the very idea of having her. I just didn't understand my non-emotional self could feel such things.
She amazes me every day! The way she smiles first thing in the morning. How darn smart she is. How cute she is. The way she hugs and kisses everything. The way she makes even the grumpiest of people smile. That's my favorite part.
I pray I never take the gift of her for granted. That would be the biggest sin of all.
Happy Birthday, Rachel!


Adrienne said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! I can't believe how fast you are growing up. *hugs & kisses*

Carol: She is so precious! She looks as though she has the sweetest personality in the world. What a cutie!

Jim said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! How nice you are two now!
Yes, till we have those kids we don't really know and can't imagine what that bond is.
I remember when she was just a baby and would keep you up all night.
Oh yes, she IS cute too!

Anonymous said...

Awww she is just beautiful - and that SMILE! I hope she had a wonderful birthday.


MilkMaid said...

Oh my word...could she even be any more precious??? I just love her red hair, she is ADORABLE!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 years! Happy Birthday beautiful girl.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...look at her!!! She's adorable. And she's a little person, not a baby. Hard to believe, eh?! I dig the curls...just like Mommy's.

Weary Hag said...

Can't believe how time flies. She's adorable!