Friday, July 27, 2007

Wow, time flies!

My little girl turns two today!
It's quite amazing to me. Everyone told me when I was pregnant with her that she would grow up fast, to cherish every moment. I had no idea. I just HAD NO IDEA.
I had no idea about a lot of things. I didn't realize how my feelings would suddenly be so intense. That nothing else would really matter to me in life more than her. I just didn't "get it". Then she was born and it hit me light a bolt of lightning.
Oh, sure I knew I would love her. I loved the very idea of having her. I just didn't understand my non-emotional self could feel such things.
She amazes me every day! The way she smiles first thing in the morning. How darn smart she is. How cute she is. The way she hugs and kisses everything. The way she makes even the grumpiest of people smile. That's my favorite part.
I pray I never take the gift of her for granted. That would be the biggest sin of all.
Happy Birthday, Rachel!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

With all that can happen, it's really amazing any of us are here.

A friend once said that. She probably doesn't even remember saying it, but it's a true statement. If you think about all the things that have to happen at the beginning, during, and end of a pregnancy it is quite amazing. God really thought that procedure through before he made it.

My unborn kidlet is breech. Frank breech. Which basically means his butt is at the bottom, head at the top, and his legs are straight and tucked up by his face. With just over 4 weeks to go that isn't good. At this point only 4% of babies are in the breech position. Crap.

What's bad about the frank breech position is that it's even harder for him to move. The doctor described it like trying to turn a bobby pin instead of a marble. Round is better.

I have to do exercises to try to get him to move. I go back in Monday, July 30th for another check. If he hasn't moved by Monday the doctor will give me 2 options.
1) keep doing the exercises and if he doesn't move by August 15th then schedule a c-section, or
2) come back Tuesday to do what they call a external cephalic version (ECV). It's done by the doctor applying pressure to the abdomen and manually manipulating the baby into a head-down position.

Unfortunately, the ECV only works about 50% of the time, and it isn't without risks, there's a chance the placenta could separate or a drop in the baby's heart rate, so they monitor the baby the whole time. The risks, I'm told, are rare, though. But I've also been told this procedure is quite painful. Oh boy.

To make matters worse, my doctor is going on vacation Wednesday next week (Aug 1-14th), so if I had complications from the ECV that night or the next day he won't be around. Darn doctors and their lives. How dare he have a family. lol.

Well, all I can do is pray he moves between now and Monday.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The drugstore

I was standing milling over the contact lens solution at our local drugstore last week trying to figure out if, being 8 months pregnant, I could bend down to get the bottle on the bottom shelf and actually get back up again. I reach to kneel, and suddenly I was approached by a very young looking fellow. Maybe 16 or so by my estimation, although I admit kids are starting to look younger and younger to me these days.

He asks "Ma'am, do you know where the pregnancy test kits are?" while his ears are turning a shade this side of beet red.

I look at him a second and say "Why, I look like I should, don't I?" Trying to bend back up.

I almost told him "they are over by the condoms", but then I realized at his age if he's looking for the pregnancy tests he probably hasn't a clue where the condoms are, either.

I replied "This way" and proceeded to lead him to the pregnancy test isle.

He said "Thanks". I start to walk away, then realize he just stood there. Staring. At the yeast infection medications. Now, I will give him this, the boxes are the same size and shape.

I went back and said "No, here they are", and pointed to three of them. He turned that familiar shade of red. Then I said "You might as well get a kit with two, it's cheaper than buying them individually, and no matter what the outcome she's going to want to test twice".

He said "Thanks". Then he said "Is this your first?" I said "No, second". He said "Oh. This will be my first".

Sigh. I hope it turned out the way he wanted.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Life of a Preacher's Wife.

My husband, the kind man he is, thinks of me often. But, I will say, we've been married 14 years. So, the flowers and candy don't come nearly as often as when we were courting. Oh, he does do it occassionally. Maybe once a year for no reason. Twice if I'm particularly lucky. I'm not complaining, mind you.

I've been particularly whiny and grumpy lately. I haven't been sleeping well (gee, have I mentioned that before?). I ache. It's hot. Being 8 months pregnant in this humidity isn't a day at the park. Wait, maybe it is. Anyway, today, my smiling husband walked in with a basket of irises, red and white roses, and yellow mums. Irises are my favorite! I was so excited!

I think he saw the excitement on my face, because he immediately put out his hand like he was saying, "stop".

Then he says "They're left over from a funeral we had. The family didn't want them".

LOL. Well, it's the thought that counts.