Some people are just like slinkies...they are good for nothing, but make you smile when you push them down the stairs.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Weight Loss
OK, I'm getting serious about it. The diet, that is. I have no excuses. I have plenty of time to exercise. Rachel loves being in her stroller. Maybe if I make a public admission here then I'll follow through with it instead of falling off the bandwagon!
First let me get this off my chest (no pun intended!)...I'll admit the thing I will miss most is regular Coke. Not the diet or the anything else variety. I feel as a Coke drinker I've almost had to be "in the closet" so to speak. People judge you when you drink regular Coke. When you go out to eat and everyone is sitting around a table ordering their water or Diet Coke and you say "Coke" they look at you like "uh, oh. You forgot to say 'diet'". When I assure them I did not forget, they scoot their chairs a little further from me and pull their children a little closer.
Maybe I'll start a "Regular Coke" drinker's movement. I'll have "Regular Coke pride" parades and "Regular Coke" bars. Maybe there will even be a TV show where they'll have a "regular coke" drinking neighbor. People will talk to me about my Coke lifestyle and debate weather it is genetic or a choice.
It isn't the caffeine I'm addicted to. I drink the caffeine free stuff at home becuase I'm breastfeeding. I like the taste. I am normally not a sweets eating person, but I love Coke. Combine Coke with a box of Better Cheddars (I'll substitute goldfish in a pinch), and I'm in HEAVEN!
It is impossible to diet and drink regular Coke, though. Well, unless that is ALL you consume, pretty much. And that's irresponsible eating. I can't stand aspartame, so no Diet Coke for me. I'll be drinking water, which is best anyway.
I need to lose about 20 pounds. Wish me luck!
*does anyone know how to make the text go along side the image on the top? If I upload a Flickr photo it does it for me but if I "steal" (shhhh!) one from google images I don't know the code to position it. Thanks"
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Nice to hear the bad news about your diet. Karen calls hers an 'eating plan'. That might be an accountants way of stating things.
Sorry about the aspartame. Joe Graedon, the pharmacist who write a newspaper column in the Chronicle says aspartame helps alleviate arthritis pain, if you can tolerate the aspartame.
I drink one a day. Between that 300 mg or so aspartame and the 325 mg aspirin, I can sleep on either shoulder all night now.
Have you tried the New Diet Coke? It uses the other type artificial sweetener.
Oh yes, at McDonalds I always put a squirt of regular Coke in my self-filled glass of Diet.
I am a reformed REAL COKE girl. After the initial hump over to diet coke, now I'm totally addicted to diet coke. No matter if there is a diet or not going on. And if I drink real coke now, it tastes like syrup.
Good luck
This post totally made me laugh and made my day...especially the part about "starting a regular coke drinkers movement"
That being said I am diet coker myself. I cant stand the taste of regular Coke.
nothing like regular coke but since the big diabetes, i am sworn to crystal lite and diet drinks. good thing i love water :)
Diet Sprite drinker over here that never judges anyone that drinks regular "pop". I just can't drink it myself. Too syrupy or something.
Mmmmm, I love Diet Coke. But now I think they have a diet coke with Splenda instead of aspartame, it's supposed to taste like sugar, I am not sure of that though, never tried it. It might be an option.
As for posting pics, I use the blogger image thingy to upload pics onto my blog, and it has settings to position the pics to the right, left or center. On the top of the post page, there is a little picture icon, click on that, and it's real easy to use.
How's the diet coming along? I hope you haven't starved to death!
I've never been a regular soda drinker. I love Diet Pepsi. Mmmm...
Plus, I cannot 'waste' the calories on 'real' soda. I would rather have a brownie. :)
Good luck!! Very soon, I will either be pregnant or starting my weight loss journey...about 30+ lbs. to go :(
Let me be one of the first to join your movement!!!
I am catching up with you. Loved the post about adoption and I agree wholeheartedly.
I am glad to see the little one has finally decided to sleep for you. I agree with your husband...put the books down and go with your gut. Your a good mom!
I want to join you in the weight loss journey. Let's be blog weight loss buddies. We can encourage each other to get out there and walk around the block. I would love to lose 20 pounds plus a few.
I've missed checking in on you and your beautiful little one. It's been a month. I am hoping to get my head on straight soon.
I am sorry I am a Diet Coke drinker. Not pepsi.. just coke... diet coke. Infact I buy my Diet Coke from a little corner shop. Whilst at the cash and carry the owner bought a load of european coke light. It is bottled the same only called light and not diet... I can taste the difference. He now keeps MY diet coke under the counter and sell the light stuff to everyone else. Either he is a really good shop keeper ORI have a secret problem!!!
Hope you are well. Good luck with the diet
Hi Carol - I invite you to stop by my new site at:
The old site, Michigan Blog, is gone for good. Hope Rachel is well! John
diet coke sucks....and c2 coke is nasty....and don't get me started on pepsi!
regular coke is the way TO GO!
- Jon
- Daddy Detective
Well, I'm with you 100% on the aspartame. Ew. Ew. And Ew. Makes me physically sick.
I LOVE the new window dressing in here! It's really neat, Carol. Wow.
As to the Coke (soda) addiction, I gave up soda years ago ... only rarely now I will take about 3 oz. of Pepsi or Coke (no diet) with pizza, but I never desire it anymore with any other meal.
Good luck with your weight loss. As you know, I'm have farther to go than you and I'm not making any ground so far. (thank you menopause)
Best advice; walk walk walk and drink 64 oz of water every single day without fail. Watch portion sizes and you should be able to eat just about any type of food. It's all about portion.
All the best to you!
Drink plenty of water and cut down on the snacking and you'll need to do little else. Taking Rachel out for apush is a good help too. You don't have to ditch the regular coke, just drink a little at a time or a can every so often instead of each day.
As for the pictures you can use the picture utility in blogger or email me for the high tech version if you need it.
Good to catch up with you. First, when I was a kid in a stroller, shcok absorbers must not have been invented yet. The strollers I see around the neighborhood are as plush as a BMW. Second, having lost 50 pounds over a year (slowly is the way to do it) you will be shocked how not drinking Coca Cola grosses you out a year later. I have 2 cups of java in the AM where years ago working split-shifts in Radio I had 7 or more. You will do it and don't listen to negative people. Take a photo out of when you considered yourself in oeak form and go for it. Just do it!
How are you? Long time no post.
Missing your posts....
Miss you Carol. Will assume everything's okay and that you've just managed to busy yourself keeping up with the little one!
Happy Easter (incase you read this today)!
Almost two months since your last post. I check often, but nothing new. Have you given up on your blog? Sure hope not.
I'm with ya-- though I've never visited here before-- on losing some weight. I hope you come back soon. I'd like to hear more.
omgosh where art thou?? BLOG PATROL> inquiring readers want to know........ miss you!!
I've never known anyone who felt that way about a Coca-Cola. Although, when I was on the road most of last motn, I tried a Coca-Cola cake on the last day of the Winter promotion and it was good!
I only drink a couple of sodas per month but they must be real coke, not the diet cr#p! But diets, or "eating plans" don't include things like soda. Good luck with it!
Hi Carol -- I dropped by here to post today and saw your count was up to 28 posts.
I do a lot of checking here but not a word or a sign. A lot of your friends are checking too.
I hope all is o.k. over there.
Hiya. You know, I actually read somewhere that Coke is the lesser of two evils when compared with Diet Coke. Apparently to make it 'diet' they put something nasty in there that you really wouldn't want to be drinking anyway so enjoy that fact while everyone else is sipping their Diet stuff - and then order water.
There must be something in the water at the moment because I'm on a health kick here as well. Good luck with yours.
Just stopping by again to see if there's been anything further from you. I'm hoping you're totally enjoying your little one and are keeping yourself busy and happy!
Happy summer!
Good luck on your diet - you know the "die" with a "t" - sorry, is that discouraging? :)
I am a Diet Coke fan myself, but not because it's "better" or "not as bad for me" as Coke. I just became used to the flavor and now I cannot stomach the regular any longer. I think giving up the soda favorite would be harder than the gold fish crackers!
Oh - a may want to try Pepsi One. My husband (a coke drinker) and I both like it. Kind of a happy medium and only 1 calorie (with splenda)
I hope things are going well these days :)
Diet sodas all taste like poison to me. I either drink regular and take the carbs I have coming, or else I drink unsweetened iced tea.
I hope things have gone well for you since your last post.
I keep hearing how it's the sodas that are the real menace -- my mom gave up coke for a month once and lost 15 pounds without changing anything else....
Carol - are you through or have you just closed up shop for the time being ... ? It's been an awfully long time. Hope you'll just put a little note up here in comments sometime just to let folks know all's well. Hugs to you and family.
Carol, I'll remove your link because I figure you're pretty much finished with blogging - but please please let me know if you return! Would love to know how the little one is doing - and would love to know what's new with you too. Miss you lots ...
Stop by anytime ...
WH (Carol)
Hi Carol -- It has been a year now. I'm hoping you are ok and the daughter too. A lot of are missing you.
I've slowed down with my blogs, others have stopped also.
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