Thursday, November 11, 2004

If I let this out all of my friends and relatives will disown me.

My friend Angie has an entry on her blog that goes to a Political compass survey . This thing tells you how far to the left or to the right you are.

I took the thing a few days ago. And (*sigh*), I have been trying to cope ever since. You see, it said I was more on the LEFT than RIGHT. I took it a second time yesterday hoping I had a brief period of insanity, perhaps sparked by feeling sorry for the Kerry left wing who can't come up with anything to say except "The right are so stupid". But it put me even slightly more LEFT the second time. How can that be??? My whole identity is shaken. I think I'll need to go shave my head, cleanse myself of my sins, hug a tree, and take the test again. Certianly it's wrong.


Carol (Smiles and Laughter) said...

Oh, it was very close to the middle. Touching the line, actually. But all my life I thought I was WAY RIGHT.

Yea, I'm a moderate. AND REPUBLICAN, DAMMIT!

Anonymous said...

Burn in hell you left leaning sinner!
Wait, I'm a democrat... and Catholic, I guess it'll be me burning in hell. Huh.