Monday, January 17, 2005

Reality Bites

I finally did it. I faced the reality that I'm not going to be skinny again for at least a year. I've leafed through clothes in my closet for about two years, not willing to get rid of them or put them away because I anticipated losing weight. Now that I'm prego I could finally admit to myself that I won't lose those 20 pounds anytime in the near future. So, I went through my drawers and closets, and made two piles: "Skinny" and "Medium". It is funny how the difference to me between "skinny" and "Fat" are only about 20 pounds. And a lot of my fat clothes I can wear when I'm "skinny" or "medium". And my medium clothes I can wear when I'm "skinny". But I absolutely cannot wear the skinny clothes at medium, or the medium at fat, even though the difference between the two stages is 10 pounds. It's probably a psychological thing. For instance, I have an issue wearing sleeveless things when I feel fat. I feel like my arm fat is flapping around. The thought grosses me out.

So, I figured instead of torturing myself every time I look in the closet or dresser, I would put them away in a nice plastic bin (or donate some of them) until I can face them again. Then it will be like getting new clothes!

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